Answer: biretta

AnswerCrossword Clue
BIRETTAType of headgear.
birettastiff square cap with three or four upright projecting pieces extending from the center of the top to the edge, worn by ecclesiastics
birettaa cap for clergymen
BIRETTACardinal cap
BIRETTABishop's hat
BIRETTAClergyman's hat
BIRETTASquare cap
BIRETTACap for a cleric
BIRETTAEcclesiast's headgear
BIRETTAStiff square cap
BIRETTAClerical cap
BIRETTAChurchman's cap
BIRETTAClergyman's cap.
BIRETTASquare cap worn by ecclesiastics
BIRETTAEcclesiastical cap.
BIRETTAEcclesiastic hat.
BIRETTAPriestly headdress.
BIRETTAStiff, square cap for clerics.
BIRETTACleric's square cap.
BIRETTAIt's scarlet for a cardinal.
BIRETTAPriest's cap.
BIRETTAEcclesiastic square cap.
BIRETTACardinal's cap
BIRETTACardinal's topper
BIRETTAClergyman's cap
BIRETTAEcclesiastical cap