Answer: bisque

AnswerCrossword Clue
BISQUEThick, creamy soup
bisquevitreous china that is left unglazed
bisquea thick soup
bisqueunglazed earthenware or porcelain after firing
bisqueice cream made with powdered macaroons or nuts
bisquepoint, extra turn, or the like, as in court tennis or croquet
bisquehaving the color bisque
bisquethick cream soup, esp. of pur├®ed shellfish or vegetables
BISQUENutty ice cream
BISQUELobster soup
BISQUESoup or dessert.
BISQUERich soup.
BISQUEThick soup
BISQUEFirst course, perhaps
BISQUESeafood serving
BISQUEShellfish soup
BISQUEThick shellfish soup
BISQUESoup order