Answer: blackcat

AnswerCrossword Clue
BLACKCATBad omen, to some
BLACKCATBad luck sign, for the superstitious
BLACKCATHarbinger of bad luck
BLACKCATPoe character
BLACKCATBad-luck animal, supposedly
BLACKCATPathcrosser of ill omen.
BLACKCATWitch's familiar.
BLACKCATUnlucky path crosser.
BLACKCATEdgar Allan Poe tale.
BLACKCATSubject of a Poe tale.
BLACKCATPoe story subject.
BLACKCATPet of the wicked witch?
BLACKCATWorry for the superstitious
BLACKCATAnimal of superstition
BLACKCATSymbol of Halloween