Answer: bola

AnswerCrossword Clue
BOLAGaucho's cord
BOLAWeight-laden lasso
BOLASouth American cattle catcher
BOLASouth American lasso
BOLASouth American cattle-catcher
BOLANecktie variety
BOLAWeighted weapon used by the Inca army
BOLAWeapon with knots
BOLALimb-entangling weapon
BOLAWeapon swung by a gaucho
BOLAGaucho's lariat
BOLAGaucho's snarer
BOLACowcatcher of a kind
BOLAWeapon for a gaucho
BOLASouth-of-the-border weapon
BOLAGaucho's cow catcher
BOLAWeapon for felling cattle
BOLAGaucho gear
BOLAHurling weapon
BOLACaballero's weapon
BOLAWhirled weapon
bolaa throwing weapon
bolanecktie of thin cord fastened in front with an ornamental clasp or other device
bolaweapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the Indians and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals
BOLAWeapon that's thrown
BOLAWeapon with a rope and balls
BOLAWeapon on a cord
BOLAToro tripper
BOLAWeighted rope
BOLAGaucho's throw
BOLAS. A. weapon
BOLAWeapon of two balls and a cord
BOLAGaucho's device
BOLAGaucho s equipment
BOLAGaucho s device
BOLACow catcher
BOLAWeighted cattle catcher
BOLAWeapon with weights on each end
BOLABall-rope missile
BOLAWeighted weapon