Answer: braille

AnswerCrossword Clue
BRAILLESpecial alphabetic system.
brailleto write in raised print for the blind
braillesystem of writing for the blind, using combinations of raised dots
BRAILLETouchy subject?
BRAILLEAlphabet you can feel
BRAILLETouching words?
BRAILLEIt has many tangible points
BRAILLEWords read with feeling?
BRAILLEFamed teacher of the blind
BRAILLERaised writing
BRAILLETactile writing
BRAILLEBlind teacher.
BRAILLEInventor, 1829, of system of printing.
BRAILLEOne system of communication.
BRAILLEWay to read with feeling
BRAILLEAlphabetic system invented in 1829.
BRAILLESystem of printing invented 1829.
BRAILLEProfessor revered by blind.
BRAILLEIt's on Alabama's state quarter
BRAILLEIt's read with feeling
BRAILLEUnspoken language
BRAILLESystem for blind readers
BRAILLEText that can be felt
BRAILLEWriting that can be felt
BRAILLEAlphabet read with the fingers
BRAILLELetters read with feeling?
BRAILLESystem of raised dots
BRAILLEFrench educator Louis
BRAILLETextured text