Answer: by

AnswerCrossword Clue
byed as a function word to indicate successive units or increments little by little walk two by two
byrough or through the medium of via enter by the door
byin a short time; before long; presently
byed as a function word in multiplication, in division, and in measurements divide a by b multiply 10 by 4 a room 15 feet by 20 feet
byin general; on the whole
bycomparison with beside
byconformity with acted by the rules
byby way of
byring the course of studied by night
bybehalf of did right by his children
byor to the amount or extent of win by a nose
byrough the agency or instrumentality of by force
byin proximity to near standing by the window
bynear to
byto the vicinity of and beyond past went right by him
bya pass in certain card games
bythe opinion of from the point of view of okay by me
bynot later than
bycording to called her by name
byred or borne by
bythe direction of toward north by east