Answer: calibrate

AnswerCrossword Clue
CALIBRATESet, in a way
calibratemeasure against a standard
calibratestandardize (as a measuring instrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors
calibrateto ascertain the caliber of (as a thermometer tube)
calibrateto determine true values by comparison with an accurate standard
calibrateadjust precisely for a particular function
calibratedetermine, rectify, or mark the graduations of (as a thermometer tube)
calibratemeasure precisely
CALIBRATEEnsure an accurate reading of
CALIBRATEMake fine adjustments to
CALIBRATEMark with graduations
CALIBRATEDetermine the graduations of
CALIBRATEDetermine the capacity of.
CALIBRATEAscertain the diameter of, as a gun bore.
CALIBRATEDetermine the graduation of an instrument, as a thermometer.
CALIBRATEDetermine needed corrections in a firearm.
CALIBRATEMeasure precisely