Answer: camellia

AnswerCrossword Clue
CAMELLIATea source
camelliaany of a genus (Camellia) of shrubs or trees of the tea family
camelliaornamental greenhouse shrub (C. japonica) with glossy leaves and roselike flowers
camelliaan evergreen shrub, also CAMELIA
CAMELLIAShrub used to make tea
CAMELLIAFlowering shrub
CAMELLIARoselike flower
CAMELLIAAlabama's state flower
CAMELLIAEvergreen with roselike flowers
CAMELLIAPlant with rose-shaped flowers
CAMELLIAShade of red
CAMELLIAFlower named for a Jesuit
CAMELLIAPlant named for a Jesuit
CAMELLIAOrnamental shrub with roselike flowers
CAMELLIAFlowering shrub.
CAMELLIAFlower for a corsage.
CAMELLIACorsage favorite.
CAMELLIAPink flower