

AnswerCrossword Clue
CANONEcclesiastical law
CANONBody of okayed works
CANONBody of standards
CANONContrapuntal piece
CANONChurch law
CANONSecular law
CANONPachelbel's "... in D"
CANONBig name in cameras
CANONPachelbel work
CANONBody of principles
CANONKonica competitor
CANONPowerShot camera maker
CANONPachelbel's ".. in D Major"
CANONLexmark rival
CANONPowerShot maker
CANONMaker of cameras and copiers
CANONPiece with staggered melodies
CANONChurch regulation
CANONContrapuntal composition
CANONReligious rule
CANONGeneral rule
CANONMusical form with staggered melodies
CANONChurch doctrine
CANONReligious doctrine
CANONCamera brand
CANONEOS manufacturer
CANONA writer's body of work
CANONCollected works
CANONFundamental principle
CANONLeica competitor
CANONBody of rules
CANONPachelbel composition
CANONPopular Pachelbel work
CANONVixia camcorder maker
CANONAxiomatic rule
CANONComprehensive book list
CANONChurch's rule
CANONAuthor's total output
CANONEcclesiastical rule