Answer: ceram

AnswerCrossword Clue
CERAMIsland west of New Guinea.
CERAMIsland of the Moluccas in Indonesia
CERAMAuthor of "Gods, Graves and Scholars"
CERAMOne of the Spice Islands
CERAMOne of the Moluccas
CERAMIsland in the Moluccas
CERAMOne of the Moluccas.
CERAMMolucca island.
CERAMOne of the Molucca Islands.
CERAM"March of Archeology" author.
CERAMIsland near New Guinea.
CERAMOne of the Spice Islands.
CERAMMoluccan island
CERAMLargest of the Moluccas.
CERAMIsland of the Moluccas.
CERAMIsland near Amboina.
CERAMMoluccan island.
CERAMJap-occupied Dutch Pacific island.
CERAMNetherlands Indies island west of New Guinea.
CERAMDutch isle west of New Guinea.
CERAMDutch island held by Japs.
CERAMDutch island west of New Guinea, held by Japan.
CERAMDutch island taken by Japan.
CERAMIndonesian island