Answer: cicero

AnswerCrossword Clue
CICERO"De Oratore" writer
CICEROAuthor of "De Oratore"
CICEROEloquent Roman
CICEROCatiline's nemesis
CICERORoman statesman-writer
CICEROTully of Rome
CICERO"O tempora, O mores!" speaker
CICERO"O tempora! O mores!" orator
CICERO"Civis Romanus sum" speaker
CICERO"De amicitia" writer
CICEROHe originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
CICEROOriginator of the phrase "Let the punishment fit the offense"
CICEROSuburb of Chicago
CICERORoman who originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
CICERO"Academica" author
CICEROHe wrote "the safety of the people is the highest law"
CICERORoman orator-statesman-writer
CICEROMaster of Latin prose
CICERO"O tempora o mores!" orator
CICEROOutspoken foe of Antony
CICERORoman statesman who opposed Caesar
CICERO"De republica" philosopher
CICERORenowned ancient orator
ciceroContinental unit of measurement for type, equal to 12 Didot points, or 0.178 in. (4.5 mm), roughly comparable to a pica
ciceroa printing measure
CICERORoman orator-philosopher
CICEROChicago suburb
CICEROOrator of 50 B.C.
CICERO"In Verrem" speaker
CICERO"Philippicae" orator
CICERONoted supporter of Pompey the Great
CICERO"De oratore" author
CICERORoman orator
CICERO"De Oratore" author
CICEROFoe of Mark Antony
CICEROEnemy of Caesar
CICEROIllinois city named for an Ancient Roman
CICEROOrator of old
CICERORoman statesman