Answer: cis

AnswerCrossword Clue
CISSuccessor org. to the USSR
CISSuccessor to the U.S.S.R.
CISU.S.S.R.'s successor
CISU.S.S.R., today
CISSuccessor org. to the U.S.S.R.
CISPost-cold war inits.
CIS"... for Cookie" ("Sesame Street" song)
CISOrg. created right after the cold war
CISModern prefix with gender
CIS"... for Cookie"
CISSue Grafton's '-- for Corpse'
CIS'-- for Cookie ('Sesame Street' song)'
CIS'-- for Cookie'
CIS'-- for Cookie' ('Sesame Street' tune)
CISSuccessor to the USSR
CISU.S.S.R., now
CISUSSR's successor
CISPost-USSR alliance
CISUSSR's successor
CISPost-Cold War inits.
CISLead-in to gender
CISLead-in to male or female
CISPrefix with gender
CISPrefix with gendered
cishaving atoms on the same side of the molecule
cischaracterized by having certain atoms or groups of atoms on the same side of the longitudinal axis of a double bond or of the plane of a ring in a molecule
cisCommonwealth of Independent States
cisunit of activity of radioactive substances equivalent to 3.70 x 1010 disintegrations per second: it is approximately the amount of activity produced by 1 g of radium-226
CISOn the near side of: Pref.
CISUSSR successor
CISOpposite of trans-
CISGrafton's ".. for Corpse"
CISOpposite of "trans-"
CISPrefix meaning "on this side"
CISSue Grafton's ".. for Corpse"
CIS".. for Cookie": "Sesame Street" song
CISSue Grafton's "... for Corpse"
CISUSSR follower
CIS59-Down's successor