Answer: closes

AnswerCrossword Clue
closesdeny access to the city closed the beach
CLOSES"Sincerely" and others
CLOSESTrading day ends
CLOSESStops taking customers
closesconsummate by performing something previously agreed close a transfer of real estate title
closescease operation the factory closed down the stores close at 9 p.m.
closesterminate access to (a computer file or program)
closesto move so as to bar passage through something close the gate
closesbring to an end or period close an account
closesblock against entry or passage close a street
closesconclude discussion or negotiation about the question is closed
closescome to an end or period the services closed with a short prayer
closesengage in a struggle at close quarters grapple close with the enemy
closesreen exclude close a view
CLOSES"Sincerely," and others
closesmake complete by circling or enveloping or by making continuous close a circuit
closesCLOSE, to make impassable
closesdraw the free foot up to the supporting foot in dancing
closesenter into or complete an agreement close on a deal
closesbring or bind together the parts or edges of a closed book
closescome together meet
closesreduce a gap closed to within two points
closesdraw near the ship was closing with the island
closessuspend or stop the operations of close school often used with down
closesreduce to nil closed the distance to the lead racer
closescontract, fold, swing, or slide so as to leave no opening the door closed quietly
closesclose contain
closesfill up (as an opening)
CLOSESWhat a flop show does.
CLOSESCompletes the deal
CLOSESWraps up
CLOSESFlips the "Open" sign
CLOSESFinalizes, as a deal
CLOSESAdmits no more customers
CLOSESCompletes, as a home sale
CLOSESCompletes a sales day