Answer: colosseum

AnswerCrossword Clue
COLOSSEUMRoman tourist attraction
COLOSSEUMArena dedicated in A.D. 80
COLOSSEUMFamous amphitheater
COLOSSEUMFlavian Amphitheatre.
COLOSSEUMFamous Flavian structure.
COLOSSEUMStructure dating from 72 A. D.
COLOSSEUMGladiatorial venue
COLOSSEUMProject begun by the emperor Vespasian
COLOSSEUMStructure finished during Titus' reign
COLOSSEUMWorld's largest amphitheater
colosseuma large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment also COLISEUM
colosseumThe name since medieval times of the Amphitheatrum Flavium, a vast amphitheater in Rome, begun by Vespasian 75. It held 50,000 spectators, its sections connected by an elaborate network of stairs, and was the scene of various kinds of combat