Answer: concha

AnswerCrossword Clue
CONCHAShell-like hammered silver disk used to decorate belts
CONCHAShell-shaped structure
CONCHAAnatomical shell-like structure
CONCHABone in the nose
CONCHABowl-shaped part of the ear
CONCHAStructure that resembles a shell in shape
CONCHAStructure that resembles a shell
CONCHAApse dome
CONCHAOuter ear
conchadisk, traditionally of hammered silver and resembling a shell or flower, used as decoration on belts, harness, etc.
conchathe outer ear cavity
conchasmooth concave surface consisting of or resembling the interior of a semidome, as the surface of a vault, a trompe, or the head of a niche
conchaa. shell-like structure, esp. the external ear b. any turbinate bone, esp. in the nose