Answer: counted

AnswerCrossword Clue
COUNTEDHad meaning
COUNTEDWas significant
COUNTEDWas of value.
countedrecord as of an opinion or persuasion count me as uncommitted
countedinclude in a tallying and reckoning about 100 present, counting children
countedrecite or indicate the numbers in order by units or groups count by fives
countedhave value or significance these are the people who really count his opinions don't count for much
counteddeserve to be regarded or considered a job so easy it hardly counts as work
countedto indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved number
countedcount the units in a group
countedcall aloud (beats or time units) count cadence count eighth notes
countedCOUNT, to number (to count)
countedinclude or exclude by or as if by counting count me in
countedrely or depend on someone or something used with on counted on his parents to help with the expenses
countedname the numbers in order up to and including count ten