Answer: crack

AnswerCrossword Clue
crackto strike forcefully
CRACKSolve, as a code
CRACKMarion Barry's downfall
CRACKWise remark?
CRACKPot or shot
CRACKSuccumb to stress
cracksharp blow
crackto suffer a mental or emotional breakdown
crack(of a power vessel) to advance at full speed in heavy weather
crackto open a book in order to study or read
crackto smile
crackto hurry up
crackto cause to break without separating
crackto be overlooked, missed, or neglected
crackto break without separating
CRACKReason to replace a windshield
crackto cause to make a sudden, sharp sound
crackslight opening
crackto take severe measures
crackto fracture (to break (to shatter or damage))
crack(of the voice) to break abruptly
crackto make a sudden, sharp sound
crackpotent, smokable form of cocaine
crackto wisecrack
crackto cause (a piece of hot glass) to fall from a blowpipe or punty
crackbreak without the separation of parts
cracksudden, sharp sound
crackto laugh unrestrainedly
crackto crash (an automobile or airplane)
crackwitty remark
crack(of a sailing vessel) to sail in high winds under sails that would normally be furled
CRACKSudden noise.
CRACKClever remark
CRACKFigure out
CRACKSuccumb to pressure
CRACKSubmit to stress
CRACKSmart remark
CRACKLiberty Bell feature