Answer: croft

AnswerCrossword Clue
CROFTSmall farm, in England
croftsmall, portable filing cabinet of table height, having drop leaves for use as a table
croftsmall farm, esp. one worked by a tenant
croftsmall plot of ground adjacent to a house and used as a kitchen garden, to pasture one or two cows, etc.; garden large enough to feed a family or have commercial value
croftto expose cloth to the elements in the course of bleaching it
CROFTVideogame heroine Lara
CROFT'Tomb Raider' character Lara
CROFTTenant farm, in Britain
CROFTVideo game heroine Lara ...
CROFTChoral music composer William
CROFTBritish farm
CROFTSmall British farm
CROFTTenant's farm
CROFTTenant farm
CROFTField, in England.
CROFTFarm: Brit.
CROFTEnglish farm.
CROFTSmall field, in England.
CROFTSmall farm, in Great Britain.
CROFTTomb raider played by Jolie
CROFTLara of the video game Tomb Raider
CROFTTomb raider Lara
CROFT"Tomb Raider" heroine Lara
CROFTLara of Tomb Raider
CROFTLara of "Tomb Raider"