Answer: crusades

AnswerCrossword Clue
CRUSADESBattles for betterment
crusadesCRUSADE, to engage in a holy war
crusadesany of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims
crusadesremedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm
CRUSADESSingle-minded pursuits
CRUSADESHigh-minded causes
CRUSADESSeries of wars to recover the Holy Land
CRUSADESLofty campaigns
CRUSADESHigh-minded drives
CRUSADESVigorous defenses
CRUSADESConcerted actions for causes or ideas.
CRUSADESZealous actions for causes.
CRUSADESAggressive movements
CRUSADESAggressive campaigns
CRUSADESReligious wars
CRUSADESFights for a cause