Answer: cuttle

AnswerCrossword Clue
CUTTLESuckered mollusk
CUTTLEArmy mollusk?
CUTTLEKind of fish.
CUTTLEDickens' Captain ....
CUTTLEFold in pleats
CUTTLEKind of fish or bone
CUTTLESea creature with eight arms
cuttlethe calcareous internal shell of cuttlefishes, used to make powder for polishing and fed to canaries and other pet birds to supply their diet with lime
cuttleto allow (cloth) to lie without further treatment after fulling, milling, scouring, etc.
cuttleto fold (cloth) face to face after finishing
cuttleto fold cloth in a particular fashion
cuttleany of several cephalopods, esp. of the genus Sepia, having eight arms with suckers and two tentacles, and ejecting a black, inklike fluid when in danger