Answer: dalton

AnswerCrossword Clue
DALTONEnglish chemist, propounder of atomic theory, (1766-1844).
daltona unit of atomic mass
daltonmale given name
DALTONBrosnan's predecessor
DALTONInfamous family of the late 1800s
DALTONCertain Bond portrayer
DALTONTimothy of 'Licence to Kill'
DALTON007 player
DALTON007 portrayer
DALTONSurname of Old West outlaw brothers
DALTONA Bond portrayer
DALTONReviver of the atomic theory, circa 1804.
DALTON... plan of progressive education.
DALTONReviver of atomic theory, 1808.
DALTON"Jack ... to the rescue!"
DALTONAuthor Trumbo
DALTONBritain's Chancellor of the Exchequer.
DALTONJames Bond after Moore
DALTONBond of the '80s
DALTONBond portrayer before Brosnan
DALTONBond portrayer
DALTONNovelist Trumbo
DALTONBond portrayer in two movies
DALTONBond portrayer Timothy
DALTON"Doolin-..." (Eagles song about an infamous Old West outlaw gang)
DALTON007 portrayer Timothy
DALTONTwo-time Bond portrayer
DALTONOld West gang family name
DALTON'80s Bond portrayer
DALTONOne of the Bonds