Answer: democratic

AnswerCrossword Clue
DEMOCRATICParty for The Clintons
democraticOf or relating to the Democratic Party
democraticFavoring or characterized by social equality; egalitarian
democraticOf, relating to, or supporting democracy or its principles
democraticrelated to democracy also DEMOCRATICAL
DEMOCRATICThe donkey is this party's symbol
DEMOCRATICParty for Obama
DEMOCRATICParty for the Clintons
DEMOCRATICParty choice
DEMOCRATICLike a blue state
DEMOCRATICFavoring social equality
DEMOCRATICNot snobbish
DEMOCRATICNot snobbish.
DEMOCRATICParty of the Locofocos.
DEMOCRATICOne way to vote.
DEMOCRATICHow the U. S. has voted since '32.