Answer: deposits

AnswerCrossword Clue
depositsA natural layer of sand, rock, coal, or other material
depositsDEPOSIT, to place (to assign to a position)
depositsA sum of money placed or kept in a bank account, usually to gain interest
depositsA returnable sum payable on the rental of something, to cover any possible loss or damage
depositsA layer or body of accumulated matter
depositsAn act of placing money in a bank account
depositsA sum payable as a first installment on the purchase of something or as a pledge for a contract, the balance being payable later
DEPOSITSWhat bankers and prospectors both seek
DEPOSITSPassbook entries
DEPOSITSBank receipts
DEPOSITSPleasant banking actions
DEPOSITSMarl and tartar.
DEPOSITS"In the bank" items.
DEPOSITSBankbook entries
DEPOSITSAccumulations on a river bank