Answer: derail

AnswerCrossword Clue
DERAILGo off track
DERAILThrow off course
DERAILSabotage the limited
DERAILStop the iron horse
DERAILForce an iron horse to go off course
DERAILSabotage an iron horse
DERAILUpset the iron horse's course
DERAILPlay hob with toy trains
DERAILUpset the Yankee Clipper
DERAILWreck, as a train
DERAILFoul up, as plans
DERAILThrow off track
DERAILSabotage a train
DERAILThrow a monkey wrench into
DERAILGet thrown off track
DERAILGet off track
DERAILCause failure
DERAILGo off the tracks
DERAILGo off course
DERAILThwart, as plans
derailto cause to leave the rails
derailto deflect from a purpose
derailto cause (a train) to run off the rails
derailto become derailed
DERAILGet off-track?
DERAILGo astray
DERAILGo off the track
DERAILKnock off track
DERAILFoil, as a plan
DERAILGet off the track
DERAILWreck, as plans
DERAILWreck, in a way
DERAILKnock off the track
DERAILKnock off the tracks
DERAILPut off the tracks
DERAILGet off track?