Answer: descended

AnswerCrossword Clue
descended(of a situation or group of people) Reach (a state considered undesirable or shameful)
descendedMove or fall downward
descended(of sound) Become lower in pitch
descended(of night or darkness) Begin to occur
descendedDESCEND, to come down
descendedMake a sudden attack on
descendedMove down (a slope or stairs)
descendedAct in a specified shameful way that is far below one's usual standards
descended(of a feeling or atmosphere) Develop suddenly and be felt throughout a place or by a person or group of people
descended(of an asset) Pass by inheritance, typically from parent to child
DESCENDEDSloped downward.
descendedBe a blood relative of (a specified, typically illustrious ancestor)
descendedMake an unexpected and typically unwelcome visit to
descendedCome or go down a scale, esp. from the superior to the inferior
descended(of stairs, a road or path, or a piece of land) Be on a slope or incline and extend downward