Answer: dogmas

AnswerCrossword Clue
DOGMASSets of doctrines
dogmasdefinite authoritative tenet
dogmasdoctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church
dogmasDOGMA, an authoritative belief
dogmaspoint of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds
dogmassomething held as an established opinion
dogmassystem of principles or beliefs, as of a church
dogmascode of such tenets pedagogical dogma
DOGMASConcepts not meant to be questioned
DOGMASHeretics flout them
DOGMASEcumenical council subjects
DOGMASChurch doctrines
DOGMASInflexible teachings
DOGMASReligious doctrines
DOGMASReligious truths
DOGMASRigid codes
DOGMASMatters ex cathedra
DOGMASEstablished opinions
DOGMASRigid beliefs
DOGMASSchools of thought
DOGMASManifesto fodder
DOGMASArticles of faith
DOGMASMany religious teachings
DOGMASReligious beliefs