Answer: dotard

AnswerCrossword Clue
DOTARDNot the brightest oldster.
dotardfully mature harp seal
dotardsomeone who dotes, also DOTANT
dotardperson, esp. an old person, exhibiting a decline in mental faculties; weak-minded or foolish old person
dotarda person in his or her dotage
DOTARDWeak-minded type
DOTARDSenile one
DOTARDFoolish chap
DOTARDOld fool
DOTARDOld fogy
DOTARDOlder person
DOTARDOne in second childhood.
DOTARDSenile person.
DOTARDFoolish old person.
DOTARDOne in second childhood
DOTARDSenile sort
DOTARDFeeble fellow
DOTARDOne approaching senility
DOTARDOne way over the hill