Answer: draining

AnswerCrossword Clue
DRAININGFlowing off gradually
DRAININGEmotionally arduous
drainingDeprive of strength or vitality
drainingCause (money, energy, or another valuable resource) to be lost, wasted, or used up
drainingDRAIN, to draw off a liquid
draining(of a feeling or emotion) Become progressively less strongly felt
drainingBecome dry or drier as liquid runs off or away
drainingCause or allow (liquid) to run off or out of something
draining(of water or another liquid) Flow away from, out of, or into something
drainingCause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier
draining(of such a resource) Be lost, wasted, or used up
draining(of a player) Hole (a putt)
draining(of a person) Drink the entire contents of (a glass or other container)
drainingMake (land) drier by providing channels for water to flow away in
draining(of a river) Carry off the superfluous water from (a district)