Answer: dropped

AnswerCrossword Clue
droppedScore (a goal) by a drop kick
droppedDiscard or exclude (someone or something)
droppedStop associating with
droppedLet or make (something) fall vertically
dropped(in sports) Fail to win (a point, game, or match)
dropped(of ground) Slope steeply down
dropped(of a person or animal) Sink to or toward the ground
droppedOmit (a letter or syllable) in speech
droppedLose (money), esp. through gambling
droppedBe forced to play (a relatively high card) as a loser under an opponent's higher card, because it is the only card in its suit held in the hand
dropped(of a card) Be played in this way
droppedCollapse or die from exhaustion
droppedAbandon or discontinue (a course of action or study)
droppedPut or leave in a particular place without ceremony or formality
droppedForce (an opponent's high card) to be played as a loser in this way
dropped(of an animal, esp. a mare, cow, or ewe) Give birth to (young)
droppedTake (a drug, esp. LSD) orally
droppedMention in passing, typically in order to impress
droppedSet down or unload (a passenger or goods), esp. on the way to somewhere else
droppedDeliver (supplies or troops) by parachute
droppedDROP, to let fall in globules
droppedMake or become lower, weaker, or less
droppedFall vertically
dropped(of a person) Allow oneself to fall; let oneself down without jumping
DROPPEDLost, as a game