Answer: druids

AnswerCrossword Clue
DRUIDSAncient order of priests, etc.
druidsone of an ancient Celtic priesthood appearing in Irish and Welsh sagas and Christian legends as magicians and wizards
druidsmember of a pre-Christian religious order among the ancient Celts of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland
druidsDRUID, one of an ancient celtic order of priests
DRUIDSStonehenge priests
DRUIDSPriests of old
DRUIDSLearned Celts
DRUIDSPre-Christian Celts
DRUIDSTree worshipers
DRUIDSNon-Christian priests
DRUIDSAncient priests
DRUIDSCeltic priests
DRUIDSGaulish seers.
DRUIDSOld Irish priests.
DRUIDSPriests of ancient Britain.
DRUIDSPriestly class of ancient Britain
DRUIDSCeltic soothsayers
DRUIDSPre-Christian Celtic priests
DRUIDSSome ancient Celts
DRUIDSAncient Celtic priests