Answer: druse

AnswerCrossword Clue
DRUSEMember of a Syrian sect
drusea member of a religious sect originating among Muslims and centered in Lebanon and Syria
drusea crust of small crystals lining a rock cavity
druseincrustation of small crystals on the surface of a rock or mineral
DRUSESyrian sect member (Var.)
DRUSESyrian religionist
DRUSEBeliever in al-Hakim as the embodiment of God
DRUSELevantine sect member
DRUSEMember of a Middle Eastern sect
DRUSERock cavity's crystalline lining
DRUSEMuslim sect member
DRUSECrystalline crust
DRUSESyrian sect member
DRUSESyrian sect
DRUSESyrian-Lebanese sect member
DRUSERock cavity
DRUSEOne of a Syrian sect.
DRUSESyrian of a certain sect.
DRUSEMember of Syrian sect.
DRUSEWarlike foe who fought the Foreign Legion in Lebanon.
DRUSEReligious sectarian of Syria.
DRUSEWarlike native of Syria.
DRUSECertain Syrian
DRUSESyrian religious sect
DRUSEMonotheistic Syrian