Answer: ducks

AnswerCrossword Clue
DUCKSDarling: Brit. slang.
ducksSuch a bird as food
ducksA waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait
ducksA pure white thin-shelled bivalve mollusk found off the Atlantic coasts of America
ducksDUCK, to bob quickly
DUCKSBirds that waddle
DUCKSManages to avoid
DUCKSGets out of
DUCKSSteers clear of
DUCKSUniversity of Oregon team
DUCKSDrakes' companions
DUCKSSmee and smew.
DUCKSShooting-gallery birds
DUCKSGreenwings or goldeneyes.
DUCKSWhite trousers of heavy cotton cloth.
DUCKSAvoids a beanball
DUCKSLowers oneself for safety's sake
DUCKSStoops suddenly
DUCKSHuey, Dewey, and Louie, e.g.
DUCKSThey wear down
DUCKSTeals and mallards
DUCKSAvoids a blow, in a way