Answer: eastward

AnswerCrossword Clue
EASTWARDIn the direction of Asia
eastwarda direction towards the east
eastwardtoward the east
eastwardthe eastward part, direction, or point
eastwardmoving, bearing, facing, or situated toward the east
EASTWARDOrient, in a way
EASTWARDFrom Europe to the Orient
EASTWARDFrom Colorado to Kansas
EASTWARDHow the Ganges flows
EASTWARDDirection of antitrades
EASTWARDHow Fogg traveled
EASTWARDFrom Rome to Istanbul, e.g.
EASTWARDInto the sunrise
EASTWARDOne way to go.
EASTWARDMarco Polo's way.
EASTWARDToward the right, in a way
EASTWARDToward the rising sun