Answer: ebook

AnswerCrossword Clue

Kindle selection


Online publication


Online read

Long download to read
Modern library offering
EBOOKNovel on an iPad
EBOOKKindle download
EBOOKDownloadable read
EBOOKIt's virtually published
EBOOKAmazon download
EBOOKOnline reading
EBOOKOnline novel
EBOOKDigital read
EBOOKProject Gutenberg offering
EBOOKDigital novel
EBOOKNovel on the Net
EBOOKNook download
EBOOKModern read
EBOOKPurchase for a Kindle
EBOOKBeachgoer's download
EBOOKStephen King's "Riding the Bullet," e.g.
EBOOKStephen King's "The Plant," for one
EBOOKHi-tech tome
EBOOKModern publisher's offering
EBOOKModern hardcover alternative
EBOOKDigital reading material
EBOOKModern reading material
EBOOKScreened literature?
EBOOKDigital reading matter
EBOOKKindle file
EBOOKKindle purchase
EBOOKNook material
EBOOKOnline lit
EBOOKNovel on a small screen, perhaps
EBOOKTablet download
EBOOKYou don't have to turn its pages
EBOOKKindle buy
EBOOKWaiting room read
EBOOKHi-tech reading material
EBOOKSomething to read on a PDA