Answer: ednas

AnswerCrossword Clue
EDNASNamesakes of famed poet.
EDNASBest and Oliver
EDNASBest and Stengel
EDNASBest and Wallace Hopper
EDNASBest and Purviance
EDNASFerber and others
EDNASBest and Millay
EDNASMillay and Best
EDNASMrs. Stengel and others.
EDNASFerber and Millay, genetically
EDNASMillay and others.
EDNASFerber and others.
EDNASMiss Millay and namesakes.
EDNASBest, Millay, etc.
EDNASMrs. Stengel and namesakes.
EDNASMillay, Ferber.
EDNASMiss Ferber's namesakes.
EDNASMiss Ferber and others.
EDNAS"Hairspray" mom and others
EDNASActress Best and writer Ferber
EDNASFerber and Buchanan
EDNASBest, Ferber and Millay
EDNASPurviance and Best
EDNASKrabappel and Ferber
EDNASAuthors Ferber and Millay
EDNASFerber and Krabappel
EDNAS... Edibles (food shop on "The Facts of Life")
EDNASMiss Best and others.
EDNASWriter Buchanan and others
EDNASNovelist O'Brien and others
EDNASAussie "Dame" and others
EDNASActress Best and others
EDNASPurviance and O'Brien
EDNASAuthor Ferber and others
EDNASFashion editor Chase et al.
EDNASNovelists Ferber and O'Brien
EDNASAuthor Ferber and actress Best
EDNASFerber and a Dame
EDNASNovelist O'Brien et al.
EDNASWriter Ferber et al.