Answer: elegiac

AnswerCrossword Clue
ELEGIACExpressing sorrow
elegiacused in, suitable for, or resembling an elegy
elegiacexpressing sorrow or lamentation
elegiacnoting a distich or couplet the first line of which is a dactylic hexameter and the second a pentameter, or a verse differing from the hexameter by suppression of the arsis or metrically unaccented part of the third and the sixth foot
elegiaca type of verse
elegiacrelating to the mourning or remembering of the dead.
elegiacelegiac or distich verse
elegiacpoem in such distichs or verses
ELEGIACLike some of Thomas Gray's poetry
ELEGIACLike Berg's "Violin Concerto"
ELEGIACLike a Thomas Gray work
ELEGIACLike Shelley's "Adonais"
ELEGIACPlaintive, as a poem
ELEGIACPlaintive; melancholy
ELEGIACPlaintive verse
ELEGIAC... stanza.
ELEGIACLike Thomas Gray's finest work.
ELEGIACLike funeral dirges