Answer: embryos

AnswerCrossword Clue
EMBRYOSEarly life forms
EMBRYOSRudimentary states
EMBRYOSUndeveloped stages
EMBRYOSRudimentary stages
EMBRYOSEarly stages
EMBRYOSUnderdeveloped stages.
EMBRYOSBiologists' study
EMBRYOSEarly developments
EMBRYOSEarly life forms?
EMBRYOSDevelopments after some unions
embryosAn unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development
embryosThe part of a seed that develops into a plant, consisting (in the mature embryo of a higher plant) of a plumule, a radicle, and one or two cotyledons
embryosAn unborn human baby, esp. in the first eight weeks from conception, after implantation but before all the organs are developed
embryosEMBRYO, the beginning of anything, also EMBRYON
embryosA thing at a rudimentary stage that shows potential for development