Answer: enameler

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENAMELERPainter of furniture.
enamelerone that enamels (to cover with a vitrified coating)
enamelerform a glossy surface on (as paper, leather, or cloth)
enamelerbeautify with a colorful surface
enamelerto cover, inlay, or decorate with enamel
ENAMELERCloisonne artisan
ENAMELERJewelry designer
ENAMELERWorker with nails
ENAMELERType of painter
ENAMELERPainter of a sort.
ENAMELERPottery worker, on occasion
ENAMELERApplier of paint.
ENAMELERWedgwood artisan
ENAMELERJewelry artisan
ENAMELERCeramics worker
ENAMELERPottery worker
ENAMELERCeramics worker, of a kind
ENAMELERPottery worker, sometimes