Answer: enhalo

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENHALOSurround with radiance
enhaloto surround with or as if with a halo a figure enhaloed with misty light
enhaloto surround with a halo
enhaloto surround with or as with a halo
ENHALOPut a ring on
ENHALOTreat as a saint
ENHALOEndow with a nimbus
ENHALOProvide an angelic aura
ENHALOEndue with an aura
ENHALOPaint with a saintly ring
ENHALOSurround with light
ENHALORepresent as a saint, say
ENHALOSurround with a saintly light
ENHALOSurround with a glow
ENHALOBathe in a glow
ENHALOCircle with an aura
ENHALOAdorn with a nimbus
ENHALOGive saintly status to
ENHALOCrown in a way
ENHALOLighten up?
ENHALOGive a ring to?
ENHALOSurround, as with light
ENHALORing up?
ENHALOLight from above
ENHALOMake saintly, perhaps
ENHALOHighlight with a high light
ENHALOSurround with an aura
ENHALOSurround, as with a circle of light
ENHALODepict as an angel