Answer: enlist

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENLISTJoin the Navy
ENLISTSign up for tinsel-tossing (6)
ENLISTPlease Uncle Sam
enlistto secure for a cause
enlistto enroll for military service
enlistto enrol (to insert on a register, also ENROLL)
ENLISTWin the help of
ENLISTHeed an army poster
ENLISTHeed the call
ENLISTSecure the help of
ENLISTTake the king's shilling, as Brits once said
ENLISTHeed a recruiting poster
ENLISTVoluntarily participate
ENLISTSecure, as help
ENLISTGet on base?
ENLISTSecure the aid of
ENLISTUndergo induction
ENLISTWhat volunteers do
ENLISTDon a uniform
ENLISTBecome a soldier
ENLISTJoin a cause
ENLISTArmy poster word
ENLISTJoin the Marines
ENLISTPersuade to help
ENLISTGet help from
ENLISTSupport a cause
ENLISTJoin the ranks
ENLISTUncle Sam's plea
ENLISTSign up to serve
ENLISTAvoid the draft?
ENLISTSecure for a cause
ENLISTCollect, as volunteers
ENLISTBeat the draft?
ENLISTObtain, as support
ENLISTJoin the army, say
ENLISTJoin the navy, say
ENLISTJoin forces?