Answer: entrust

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENTRUSTCommit (to).
entrustto give to as a trust
entrustto give over for safe keeping, also INTRUST
ENTRUSTConfide in
ENTRUSTGive over for protection
ENTRUSTLeave confidently in one's care
ENTRUSTPut in someone's care
ENTRUSTCommit in confidence
ENTRUSTHand over for safekeeping
ENTRUSTGive for safekeeping
ENTRUSTAssign the care of
ENTRUSTHand over with confidence
ENTRUSTCommit with confidence.
ENTRUSTPlace in the care of
ENTRUSTGive over
ENTRUSTLeave in one's care
ENTRUSTGive over for safekeeping
ENTRUSTCommit with confidence
ENTRUSTTurn over with faith
ENTRUSTConsign (to)