

AnswerCrossword Clue
EOCENEEpoch when modern mammals arose
EOCENEPeriod of great climate change
EOCENEEpoch characterized by the rise of mammals
EOCENEEpoch when horses first appeared
EOCENEEpoch when mammals arose
EOCENEEpoch when bats first appeared
EOCENEEpoch in which mammals arose
EOCENEDawn-of-mammals epoch
EOCENEEpoch 50 million years ago
EOCENEEpoch of the Tertiary period
EOCENEEpoch of 50 million years ago
EOCENEOccurring 40 to 55 million years ago
EOCENEEpoch in which mammals became dominant
EOCENETertiary Period part
EOCENEEpoch in which mamals arose
EOCENEEpoch in the Cenozoic Era
EOCENETertiary Period epoch