Answer: ephemera

AnswerCrossword Clue
EPHEMERAThings for here and now
ephemeraper items (as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles
ephemeraa mayfly (a winged insect)
ephemerainsect of the order Ephemeroptera, comprising the mayflies
ephemeraanything short-lived or ephemeral
ephemerasomething of no lasting significance usually used in plural
ephemeraa plural of ephemeron
ephemeraitems designed to be useful or important for only a short time, esp. pamphlets, notices, tickets, etc.
EPHEMERACollectibles like ticket stubs and matchbooks
EPHEMERAPapers of passing interest
EPHEMERATransitory items
EPHEMERAPrinted matter
EPHEMERATransitory things
EPHEMERAThings meant to be used and then thrown away
EPHEMERATime-sensitive items
EPHEMERAPrinted matter of mere passing interest
EPHEMERAItems of short-lived use
EPHEMERASome collectibles
EPHEMERATransient things
EPHEMERAAnything short-lived.
EPHEMERATransitory things.
EPHEMERACollectible paper items
EPHEMERAPamphlets, greeting cards, e.g.
EPHEMERAThey don't last
EPHEMERAPaper collectibles, e.g.
EPHEMERAShort-lived things
EPHEMERAShort-term items
EPHEMERAFads and such
EPHEMERAFleeting things