Answer: episc

AnswerCrossword Clue
EPISCProt. sect
EPISCCousin of Cath.
EPISCChristian denom.
EPISCEarly Trinity College affiliation: Abbr.
EPISCAnglican: Abbr.
EPISCOf the Anglican Church: Abbr.
EPISCChurch denomination: Abbr.
EPISCFDR's denomination
EPISCCertain Protestant: abbr.
EPISCProtestant relig.
EPISCProt. of a sort
EPISCReligion: Abbr.
EPISCProtestant denom.
EPISCChurch of Eng. descendant
EPISCCertain Prot.
EPISCPart of the Angl. Communion
EPISCProt. branch
EPISCDenom. of FDR
EPISCProt. denomination
EPISCAmer. Anglican