Answer: evacuate

AnswerCrossword Clue
evacuateLeave or cause the occupants to leave (a place of danger)
evacuateto move from a place of danger
evacuateRemove air, water, or other contents from (a container)
evacuate(of troops) Withdraw from (a place)
evacuateEmpty (the bowels or another bodily organ)
evacuateDischarge (feces or other matter) from the body
evacuateDeprive (something) of contents, value, or force
evacuateRemove (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place
EVACUATELeave an unsafe location
EVACUATERemove from, as a storm-threatened area
EVACUATEMake empty
EVACUATEClear the premises
EVACUATEClear out, as before a hurricane
EVACUATEWithdraw, as from a besieged town.
EVACUATEWithdraw from.
EVACUATERemove troops from a combat zone