Answer: evenly

AnswerCrossword Clue
evenlying any of the integers (as -2, 0, and +2) that are divisible by two without leaving a remainder
EVENLYWithout highs and lows
EVENLYHow to divide things to be fair
EVENLYIn a fair manner
EVENLYWithout variation
EVENLYFair way to divide things
EVENLYFair way to divide things up
evenlyhaving a horizontal surface flat even ground
evenlying without break, indentation, or irregularity smooth
EVENLYLeaving no remainder
evenlyowing neither profit nor loss
evenlyee from variation uniform his disposition was even
evenlying in the same plane or line
evenlylikely as not fifty-fifty an even chance of winning
evenlyact precise an even dollar
evenlyEVEN, smooth and level
evenlying in equilibrium balanced
evenlying a mathematical function such that f(x) = f(-x) where the value remains unchanged if the sign of the independent variable is reversed
EVENLYIn a regular way
EVENLYIn equal amounts
EVENLYOne way to share
EVENLYHow some estates are divided
EVENLYIn a uniform manner
EVENLYFair way to share
EVENLYWith uniformity
EVENLYWithout much fluctuation
EVENLYIn a balanced manner
EVENLYIn a precise manner
EVENLYIn a fair way
EVENLYWithout bias
EVENLYWith justice
EVENLYWith nothing left over
EVENLYWithout variations
EVENLYIn a monotone