Answer: evolved

AnswerCrossword Clue
evolvedDevelop gradually, esp. from a simple to a more complex form
evolved(with reference to an organism or biological feature) Develop over successive generations, esp. as a result of natural selection
evolvedEVOLVE, to develop (to bring to a more advanced state, also DEVELOPE)
evolvedGive off (gas or heat)
EVOLVEDAdapted to change
EVOLVEDBecame more complex
EVOLVEDWent from apes to humans
EVOLVEDDeveloped by stages.
EVOLVEDWasn't a dinosaur
EVOLVEDBecame more sophisticated
EVOLVEDDeveloped over time
EVOLVEDDeveloped gradually
EVOLVEDSlowly developed
EVOLVEDGradually changed
EVOLVEDDid as Darwin said