Answer: feather

AnswerCrossword Clue
featherto anger, upset, or annoy (another person)
featherto attack (a person, task, or problem) vigorously
featherto take advantage of the opportunities to enrich oneself
featherin good form, humor, or health
featherto cover or provide with feathers
featherpraiseworthy accomplishment; distinction; honor
featherto cover with the plumage of birds
featherto regain one's composure; become calm
featherone of the structures consisting of a central shaft with fine interlocking barbs that form the principal covering of birds
FEATHERBit of blanket filler
FEATHERBird dropping?
FEATHERSymbol of lightness
FEATHERPart of a boa
FEATHERKind of bed
FEATHER... boa (lightweight serpent?)
FEATHERPart of a partridge
FEATHERWord with bed or brain
FEATHERItem for a cap
FEATHERType of hat decoration.
FEATHERWing thing
FEATHERLight as a ..
FEATHERExemplar of lightness