Answer: fils

AnswerCrossword Clue
FILSGerman river
FILSDumas ...
FILSPierre's son
FILSIraqi coin
FILSJunior Dumas
FILSLouis I, to Charlemagne
FILSSon, at the Sorbonne
FILSDumas, ...
FILSPere and mere's son
FILSSons, in some business names
FILSDumas ..
FILSMember of la famille
filscoin and monetary unit of Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, the 100th part of a dinar
filsFIL, a coin of Iraq and Jordan
filsson: sometimes used after a name with the meaning of Jr., as in Dumas fils
filsbronze coin of the United Arab Emirates, the 100th part of a dirham
filsaluminum coin and monetary unit of the Yemen Arab Republic, the 100th part of a riyal
FILSAuthor Dumas ....
FILSSon, in Verdun
FILSSon, on the Seine
FILSSeine son
FILSJr., in French names
FILSSon, in Somme
FILSSon, in Paris
FILSFrench son
FILSSon, to Sartre
FILSMonique's son
FILSSon: Fr.
FILSLouis XIII, to Henry IV
FILSDumas ....
FILSFrench son.
FILSMember of a "famille."
FILSCoin of Iraq and Jordan
FILSJr. in Paris
FILSOne of the Dumas family