Answer: flattest

AnswerCrossword Clue
flattest(of a market, prices, etc.) Showing little activity; sluggish
flattest(of a key) Having a flat or flats in the signature
flattestLacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless
flattestFLAT, having a smooth level surface
flattestSmooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations
flattest(of paint) Without gloss; matte
flattest(of shoes) Without heels or with very low heels
flattest(of musical sound) Below true or normal pitch
flattest(of a woman) Having small breasts
flattest(of a fee, wage, or price) The same in all cases, not varying with changed conditions or in particular cases
flattest(of a sparkling drink) Having lost its effervescence
flattestOf or relating to flat racing
flattestNot sloping
flattest(of something kept inflated, esp. a tire) Having lost some or all of its air, typically because of a puncture
flattest(of a photographic print or negative) Lacking contrast
flattest(of an expanse of water) Calm and without waves
flattest(of a denial, contradiction, or refusal) Completely definite and firm; absolute
flattest(of a person) Without energy; dispirited
flattest(of land) Without hills
flattest(of a note) A semitone lower than a specified note
flattest(of a color) Uniform
flattestHaving a broad level surface but little height or depth; shallow
flattest(of the foot) Having an arch that is lower than usual